Subsidiaries and affiliates
TGC-1 | |||
JSC «Murmanskaya CHPP»(98.87%) | JSC «HHC»(50%) | JSC «St. Petersburg Heating Grid»(60.52%) |
Arrangement of corporate management of subsidiaries and affiliates shall be performed by the Company according to the principles as follows:
- compliance to the requirements of the current legislation of the Russian Federation, provisions of the Articles of Association and internal documents of the Company and its subsidiaries and affiliates in the process of corporate management of such subsidiaries and affiliates;
- compliance of the corporate management of subsidiaries to development strategy of the Company and such subsidiaries and affiliates;
- performance of corporate management of subsidiaries and affiliates according to the due, complete and reliable information;
- observation of resolutions of the Company's management bodies when performing corporate management of subsidiaries and affiliates;
- provision of participation of the Company's shareholders in determining the position on the key issues within the competence of management and control bodies of subsidiaries and affiliates (determining the position by the Company's Board of Directors);
- publicity and transparency of corporate management of subsidiaries and affiliates.
Regulatory basis for the principles of corporate governance of subsidiaries and affiliates shall be:
- legislation of the Russian Federation;
- Articles of Association of TGC-1;
- internal documents of TGC-1, regulating activities of the Company's management and control bodies;
- procedure for development and submission by TGC-1 divisions of the instructions to the representatives of TGC-1 at the general shareholders meetings and in the boards of directors of entities, where TGC-1 is a shareholder/ participant;
- regulation on representatives of TGC-1 in management and control bodies of entities where TGC-1 owns shares/ stocks;
- particular resolutions of TGC-1 Board of Directors.