The Republic of Karelia
Krivoporozhskaya HPPYushkozerskaya HPPPutkinskaya HPPPoduzhemskaya HPPBelomorskaya HPPVygostrovskaya HPPMatkozhnenskaya HPPPalakorgskaya HPPPalyeozerskaya HPPKondopozhskaya HPPSmaller HPPs groupPetrozavodskaya CHPP
Main parameters for 2020
- Installed electric capacity
- 553.7 MW
- Electric energy generation
- 2,975.39 mln kW•h
The Karelskiy branch was established on May 16, 2005 in the course of the reform of RAO UES of Russia on the basis of the production facilities of Karelenergogeneratsiya. Its structural divisions are engaged in the generation of electrical energy in the territory of the republic.
The Karelskiy Branch currently includes 16 HPPs that make up 3 cascades, i.e., Vyg, Suna and Kem. The hydropower potential of the region has been developed in the basins of the Suna, Vyg, and Kem rivers.