TGC-1 releases 3Q 2010 operational results

03 November 2010

TGC-1 announces the operational results for the 3rd quarter and 9 months 2010.

Electricity generation by Company’s power plants (including subsidiary – Murmanskaya CHPP) for 9 months 2010 was 19,698 mn kWh (thermal generation – 9,713 mn kWh, hydro generation – 9,985 mn kWh) as compared to 19,297 mn kWh last year (thermal generation – 8,696 mn kWh, hydro generation – 10,601 mn kWh).

In 3Q 2010 increase in electricity production was 3%.

Capacity utilization factor increased from 46.9% to 47.4% y-o-y.

Heat output (incl. Murmanskaya CHPP) for 9 months 2010 was up 8.2% to 19,130 thousand GCal, in 3Q2010 – 6.4% to 2,078 thousand GCal. 

Full operational results can be found on corporate website in Reports section.