TGC-1 increased electricity thermal output by 1.6% in 1Q 2011

11 May 2011

TGC-1 announces the operational results for the 1st quarter 2011.

Electricity generation by Company’s power plants (including subsidiary - Murmanskaya CHPP) in 1Q 2011 amounted to 7,974.9 mn kWh (thermal generation – 5,096.8 mn kWh, hydro generation – 2,878.0 mn kWh) which is 2.5% lower than in 1Q 2010 (8,180.5 mn kWh: thermal generation – 5,017.9 mn kWh, hydro generation – 3,162.7 mn kWh).  Thermal generation for 3 months 2011 was up 1.6%. The decrease in hydro generation up to 9% is explained by lower water content in Karelia and Leningrad regions which was as long-term annual average levels in compare with extra high-water 1Q 2010.

Heat output (including figures of Murmanskaya CHPP) totaled 11,307.8 thousand GCal as compared to 12,186.2 mn kWh of 1Q 2010 (-7.2%) due to warmer season. For instance, the average outside temperature in 1Q 2011 in St. Petersburg was 1.9 degrees Celsius up levels of 1Q 2010.

Full operational results can be found on corporate website following the link: