Совет директоров ОАО «ТГК-1» одобрил расширение двух проектов инвестпрограммы компании
TGC-1’s Board of Directors considered a range of corporate matters and approved revision of the Pervomayskaya and Central CHPPs renovation projects.
At Pervomayskaya CHPP, a unified auxiliary building, comprising two steam and three water boilers will be constructed. It is a second stage of the project for replacing the out-of-date facilities of the plant. Parallel operation of new PGU-180 units at Pervomayskaya CHPP and the unified auxiliary building will help to transfer the heat generation for CHPP’s consumers to the new equipment and close down the out-of-date facilities, which were commissioned in 1950s.
For the renovation of the Central CHPP, it was resolved to install two gas turbine units, 50MW each at the power station №1 (PS-1 of Central CHPP).
Furthermore, the Board of Directors approved amendments to the TGC-1’s Procurement Provision. In particular, it was decided to expand the requirements for the tender participants with regard to the owners’ information.
For reference
TGC-1’s Pervomayskaya CHPPensures heat supplies for industrial, residential and public buildings of the South-Western region of St. Petersburg. The heat supply area covers over 500 thousand residents, several industrial facilities of federal significance, e.g. Kirovsky Zavod and Severnaya Verf Shipbuilding Plant. Electric power generated by the plant is delivered to the Russian unified energy system.
In 2007, TGC-1 started renovation of Pervomayskaya CHPP.The project provides for complete replacement of the generating equipment.At present time a new power generating unit has been condtructed, which is, in fact, a new power plant, comprising two modern steam-and-gas PGU-180 units.
After construction of the unified auxiliary building, the old generating equipment will be taken out of operation completely. The unified auxiliary building comprises a boiler house, water treatment system and electrical equipment.
TGC-1’s Central CHPP consists of three oldest power plants in Russia, which have already undergone several renovation stages. Overall plant renovation was considered to be a first priority project of the Company's Investment Programme up until year 2015. The project provides for renovation of electrical equipment at the power station #2 (PS-2) and construction of the new generating facilities, 100MW at the power station #1 (PS-1).In 2010-2011, various options of equipment supplies for the new production area were considered.Gas turbine units were considered to be the best solution.