Петрозаводская ТЭЦ ОАО «ТГК-1» подводит итоги отопительного сезона 2011-2012 гг. и переходит на летний режим работы
On May 16, 2012, in accordance with the decision of the Petrozavodsk Municipal Administration, the Petrozavodskaya HPP of TGC-1, a basic heat supply system enterprise of Petrozavodsk, is switching to its summer operation schedule.
In the 235 days of the 2011-2012 heating season, the plant supplied over 1.24 million GCal of thermal energy. The maximum water temperature was 115°C during a minimum outside air temperature of 24.4°C.
During the fall-winter period, the Petrozavodskaya CHPP was a reliable supplier of electricity and heat to residents of Petrozavodsk. In 2011-2012, TGC-1 executed in full its repair and investment programs for the CHPP, and regularly performed scheduled preventive maintenance aimed at improving the reliability and effectiveness of the plant's uninterrupted operation.
As a result of TGC-1's implementation of a large-scale program of integrated urban infrastructure development, since 2010, the summer maintenance shutoff period has been reduced from three to two weeks. Within two weeks CHPP specialists perform scheduled maintenance associated with the plant shutdown. TGC-1's second initiative was to reschedule the preventive hot water shutoffs from June to July. This project was executed over several years, and encompassed not only the upgrade and modernization of the CHPP, but also the involvement of the city's utility services representatives.
As a result of TGC-1's efforts, the Petrozavodskaya CHPP is now fully prepared for the introduction of periodic heating mode in the capital of the Republic of Karelia: "This mode will not allow the temperature in people's homes to rise above the comfort level, as is happening now. At the same time, in anticipation of the new heating season, the periodic heating mode can prevent home temperature from falling when the outside air is cool," said Valery Belov, Director of the TGC-1's branch in Karelia. "Thus, the heating can be turned in certain districts, which will help maintain the most comfortable temperature in people's homes."
On May 16-17, 2012, TGC-1 will switch the main power grid from the heating and hot water mode to a hot water mode only. The order of reducing thermal energy supply to the level required for hot water supply to residents of Petrozavodsk will now be determined solely by the specialists of the JSC Petrozavodsk Utility Systems and management companies.