На Лесогорской ГЭС завершена установка ротора нового гидроагрегата

24 April 2012 года

April 24, 2012 TGC-1 has finished installation the rotor of the hydroelectric generator at Lesogorskaya HPP of the Vuoksa HPPs Cascade within the complex refurbishment project

- With the installation of the rotor reconstruction of hydrolic unit No. 3 goes to the final stage. Such operations demand a special accuracy — new units take place in already existing structures designing therefore allowable variations account millimeters despite the big size of a rotor. It is the most highly qualified workers who do this job, said Vasiliy Pustohod, Director of the Vuoksa HPPs Cascade.

During the replacement of the hydrounits at Vuoksa HPPs Cascade TGC-1 applies technical solutions many of which have no analogs in Russia and abroad. From the ecological point of view new turbines of Svetogorskaya and Lesogorskaya HPP are considered to be the safest in the country – the unique consolidation knot of driving wheels completely excludes probability of leakages of the turbine oil to the river. The equipment used in the project mainly from Russia.