Представители Лаппеенрантского технологического университета посетили ТГК-1

5 March 2013 года

March 5, 2013 Lappeenranta University’s professors and management visited the head office of TGC-1.

March 5, 2013 Lappeenranta University’s professors and management visited the head office of TGC-1.

At the beginning, Finnish delegation had a short excursion through the Museum of Northwest Energy History. Museum director Natalia Bystrova showed guests the most interesting museum pieces, told them about essential GOERLO events and described the major power facilities in the region. University’s staff examined the control center and received qualified comments from the specialist.

This visit also included a presentation of first-priority investment projects of TGC-1. Vladimir Tsvetkov, head of the department of capital construction, introduced the main objects of the program — Vuoksinskiye HPPs Cascade, Pervomayskaya CHP, Pravoberezhnaya CHP.