В Мурмашах прошло совещание оперативно-диспетчерского персонала энергокомпаний Мурманской области
Traditional meeting of control center workers from Murmansk region took place in Murmashi. The main purposes of this meeting were to analyze the results of cooperation between the companies in 2012 and to discuss co-ordination plan for the current year.
During the conference active participation took not only dispatching staff of TGC-1, but also experts from affiliated branches of JSC MRSK of North-West Kolenergo, Kola’s regional dispatching center, Kola’s Nuclear Power Plant, JSC Kola MMC, Oktyabrskaya railway, Kislogubskaya Tidal Power Plant, Karelian enterprise MES.
Much attention was paid to the urgent problems: planning repair procedures of main and auxiliary equipment, exchange of experience on the exploration of power plant’s equipment, analysis of the wholesale electricity market. A separate topic of the meeting was the training of control center’s personnel. Specialists of Kolsky RDU shared their experience with others: during the emergency training of dispatchers they use special software. The representatives of TGC-1 analyzed the causes of equipment’s cutoff and proper actions of control center staff in such situations. Representatives of the Karelian enterprise MES told about the practice of using video recorders in operative work.
At the end of the meeting, it was concluded that in 2012 the energy system of the Murmansk region functioned stably and reliably. "Holding such meetings plays an important role in ensuring the sustainable production and consumption, and the safety of the operating personnel itself, whose work is very responsible and requires high level of discipline," — said the deputy chief engineer of the Kolsky branch of TGC-1 Oleg Tyapinov.