Состоялась XVII Лыжня дружбы стран Баренц-региона при поддержке ОАО «ТГК-1»

16 March 2013 года

March 12, 2013 in Rayakoski settlement traditional Ski-track of Friendship between the countries of Barents region was held. Ski-track of Friendship is a unique massive ski-race across the territory of three neighbor countries —Russia, Finland and Norway. The organizer and the official partner of this event is TGC-1.

March 12, 2013 in Rayakoski settlement traditional Ski-track of Friendship between the countries of Barents region was held. Ski-track of Friendship is a unique massive ski-race across the territory of three neighbor countries —Russia, Finland and Norway. The organizer and the official partner of this event is TGC-1.

During the race participants crossed three borders. Traditionally, Russian border guard finished first.

Since 1994 Ski-track of Friendship have been opening by border guards of three countries. After them professional athletes and amateurs starts their race as well. The length of the distance is 12 km —7 km in Russia, 4 km in Norway and 1 km in Finland.

This year about 3000 participants took part in XVII International Ski-track of Friendship.

During opening ceremony first deputy governor of the Murmansk region Alexei Tukavin said that Ski-track of Friendship is a unique event. "Today is a great occasion for three countries. We are good neighbors and friends". Also vice-governor called this ski-race a real trademark, because you cannot find any other cross-border competition like this one.

Director of the Pazskiye HPPs Cascade Nikolai Vorobyov added that "all year long people are asking about the time when Ski-track starts, they visit our event with great pleasure. Indeed, Ski-track of Friendship is a perfect opportunity to meet with friends and colleagues and just communicate! People look forward to this fest, and we know that we should organize it! This is the first part of North Festival. People missed sunshine, because of winter time, and we give them this holiday".