ОАО «ТГК-1» представляет отчетность по МСФО за 3 месяца 2013 года

27 May 2013 года

JSC TGC-1 releases its interim abbreviated unaudited consolidated Financial Statements for the 3 months period, ended March 31, 2013 prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS).

JSC TGC-1 releases its interim abbreviated unaudited consolidated Financial Statements for the 3 months period, ended March 31, 2013 prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS).

Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income Highlights (mn RUR)

3М 2012

3М 2013




Operating expenses



Operating profit









* EBITDA is calculated as Operating profit + Depreciation of PP&E + Amortization of intangible assets and investment property

Consolidated TGC-1 revenue for the three months of 2013 totaled 22,577 mn RUR, growing thus by 13.5% year-on-year.

The revenue structure is characterized by the following:

-      revenue from electricity sales grew by 17.7% to 8,336 mn RUR, mostly on the back of the growing prices at the “day-ahead” market;

-      CCGT-450 at Pravoberezhnaya CHP joined the wholesale market, increasing thus the capacity supply agreements’ share in the revenue structure. Selling price at competitive power outtake grew. These factors resulted in a 31.6% increase of revenue from capacity sales, up to 3,921 mn RUR;

-      revenue from heat sales amounted to 10,075 mn RUR, up by 4.3%, resulting from growing heat tariffs in 2H 2012;

-      connection of new heat consumers resulted in other revenue growth by 48.5% to 245 mn RUR.

Operating expenses for the three months of 2013 grew by 9.0% year-on-year, up to 17,540 mn RUR. Variable costs grew by 9.6%, fixed costs – by 2.8%.

Main factors of the operating expenses change were the following:

-      fuel expenses growth by 9.9% due to gas price indexation;

-      amortization & depreciation growth by 22.1% and fees of electricity market operators growth by 15.7%, on the back of the new capacity commissioning;

-      a 10.0% growth of electricity, capacity and heat purchases expenses, resulting from growing prices at the “day-ahead” and balancing market, as well as, from growing purchases for export;

-      a 10.3% decline in repairs and maintenance costs and 11.4% growth of other material expenses on the account of the increased in-house repairs portion;

-      a 3.0% decrease in expenses for heat transmission, on the account of decrease in the volume of useful heat output.

Operating profit for the three months of 2013 increased by 32.8% year-on-year totaling 5,037 mn RUR. EBITDA grew by 30.6% to 6,733 mn RUR.

According to the Financial Statements for the 3 months period, ended March 31, 2013, the profit grew by 24.7%, amounting to 3,425 mn RUR.

Full JSC TGC-1 1Q 2013 results under IFRS can be found on the corporate website in the “Reports” section.