ТГК-1 пригласила лучших выпускников-энергетиков на работу

1 August 2013 года

August 1, 2013 at the head office of JSC TGC-1 were awarded winners of the X Open competition for the best graduation projects among students of power specialties of higher educational institutions in St. Petersburg, Murmansk and Petrozavodsk.

August 1, 2013 at the head office of JSC TGC-1 were awarded winners of the X Open competition for the best graduation projects among students of power specialties of higher educational institutions in St. Petersburg, Murmansk and Petrozavodsk.


24 best works appreciated by professional committee comprising of experts of JSC TGC-1, JSC St. Petersburg Heating Grid and independent organizations.

This year the most interesting projects that are valued by the jury, were presented in the categories "Thermal power plants" and "Electrical systems and networks". Three works were awarded certificates "For the detailed study of the significant aspects of plant safety", "For an innovative approach", "For the urgency and breadth of the problem".

General director of JSC TGC-1 Andrey Filippov said about positive attitude of participants and non-standard approach to current power issues. He wished all the graduates professional success and invited interested laureates have an interview with specialists for further work in TGC-1.