Исполняется 40 лет с момента пуска Южной котельной Мурманской ТЭЦ

2 August 2013 года

The Southern boiler house of Murmanskaya CHPP celebrated 40 years anniversary. Its project was driven by the unprecedented scale of housing development that unfolded in the 1960s and 1970s in Murmansk. With the commissioning of each house the pressure on the station grew. At that time it was the only one enterprise providing the city with heat and hot water.

The Southern boiler house of Murmanskaya CHPP celebrated 40 years anniversary. Its project was driven by the unprecedented scale of housing development that unfolded in the 1960s and 1970s in Murmansk. With the commissioning of each house the pressure on the station grew. At that time it was the only one enterprise providing the city with heat and hot water.

All the work was completed in 1975, when the heating system was built which connected the new Southern boiler house and Central one. The city has received heat capacities, and the opportunity to build new neighborhoods, where thousands of people live.

Now at Southern boiler house 70 specialists work. Many of them have received top awards for their contribution to power industry of the region and are the winners of professional competitions. Boiler house has a reserve capacity, which enables the connection of new facilities.

Murmanskaya CHPP will celebrate its 80 years anniversary in March of 2014. Work has already begun on the establishment of the museum at station, in which will be collected archival materials from the time of construction.

General director of JSC TGC-1 Andrey Filippov said about positive attitude of participants and non-standard approach to current power issues. He wished all the graduates professional success and invited interested laureates have an interview with specialists for further work in TGC-1.