Маловодный год заставил гидроэнергетиков России и Норвегии и экологов Финляндии собраться на внеочередную встречу

27 August 2013 года

In Levi (Finland) hydropower specialists of Russia and Norway and environmentalists from Finland held an extraordinary meeting on the regulation of Lake Inari, whose water resources are used in three countries.

In Levi (Finland) hydropower specialists of Russia and Norway and environmentalists from Finland held an extraordinary meeting on the regulation of Lake Inari, whose water resources are used in three countries.

From the point of view of the water regime 2013 was a special year. It was little snow in winter and water shortage in summer. Finnish side provided the forecast of climate change to 2069 and 2099, according to which under the influence of the greenhouse effect further increase in mean annual temperature is expected. This can lead to later winter and early spring.

Such climate change require a more flexible regulation of water resources and the water regime in the Lake Inari, not only in order to optimize the scheduling of Russian and Norwegian HPPs, but also for the conservation of flora and fauna of the reservoir. Therefore, during the meeting the representatives of the three countries agreed to develop proposals to modify the water control for dry years, to adopt flexible rather than fixed values of the permissible levels of the reservoir.