Installation of the last hydroelectric unit comes to end at Lesogorskaya HPP

28 August 2013

At Lesogorskaya HPP installation of the last modernized hydroelectric unit completed. Complex reconstruction of Vuoksinskiye HPPs Cascade performed under the investment program of TGC-1 is coming to the final stage.

— The operation to install the rotor in the stator of hydraulic unit — one of the biggest stages. Special accuracy is required, because the equipment is placed in an already existing building structures, — says director of Vuoksinskiye HPPs Cascade Vasily Pustohod. — Next we come to the electrical installation and configuration of automated control system. All new hydroelectric units at Svetogorskaya and Lesogorskaya HPPs are equipped with modern microprocessor-based protection and excitation systems, which improves reliability. An innovative vibration systems enable the control of the turbine and generator in real time, even from a distance.
New turbine at stations are equipped with a unique seal assembly of impellers , which completely eliminates the possibility of leaks of turbine oil in Vuoksa and makes Vuoksinskiye HPPs Cascade modern and environmentally friendly.

In the result of the reconstruction installed capacity of  Lesogorskaya HPP will increase by 30 % and reach 118 MW.