Автовская ТЭЦ к осенне-зимнему периоду готова
Within the preparations of city for the autumn-winter period at Avtovskaya CHPP of JSC TGC-1 teachings of operating personnel took place.
The main goal is to work out cooperation of CHPP staff, executive authorities, emergency and fire and rescue team of Kirovsky district in St. Petersburg, FSUE Vodokanal, JSC St. Petersburg Heating Grid and Petersburg Gas.
According to legend of exercises at Avtovskaya CHPP occurred just two emergency situation — a breakthrough of heating duct and an accident on gas pipeline with outdoor temperature -25C .
In the first part of the exercises perfected interaction of operational personnel and management of the station with the duty service of Kirovsky district, JSC TGC -1 and the district control management .The second stage took place on the spot of conditional accidents. Finally, in the third part of the teachings the representatives of independent commission gave their assessment of the actions of operational services. According to them, the exercises were held at a high level.