Возобновился сквозной проезд через плотину Нижне-Туломской ГЭС
At Nizhne-Tulomskaya HPP of JSC TGC-1 overhaul of the road and the structural elements of the bridge over the fish ladder finished. The through traffic began September 11, 2013.
Concrete slabs and foundations of the bridge, and also asphalt were replaced. When the fish came to spawn, the work was not carried out. So it was possible to preserve the conditions in the river close to natural.
The road running through the dam of Nizhne-Tulomskaya HPP connects the villages Prichalny and Murmashi and is the shortest transport route between two banks of the river Tuloma. However, the use of the dam as the road was not planned according to projects of HPP. Examination showed that the roadbed requires a restoration work. In 2012, restoration work was completed on the part of the bridge along the turbine hall.