Стартует городской конкурс детского рисунка
JSC TGC -1 and JSC St. Petersburg Heating Grid have organized children's drawing competition SAY NO TO WASTE OF MOMEY — SAVE HEAT AND ELECTRICITY! The contest will be held from October,1 to December 1, 2013.
A key theme bring together the works in the exhibition, which will be presented to the audience in the museum and galleries of contemporary art Erarta.
Pictures of authors should motivate the rational use of heat and electricity, illustrate examples of wasteful spending of power and demonstrate a simple but effective ways to save. The competition is open to not only the individual authors, but also the creative teams. Young artists are free to choose different technologies such as colored pencils, markers, watercolors, gouache, pastel or other.
Rate competition works can all users of internet who joined to on-line voting for their favorite picture on the official contest website www.myenergy.ru/konkurs.
Children's Painting Competition is part of a large program of JSC TGC -1 to attract a wider audience to energy efficiency and resource conservation.