Последний реконструируемый гидроагрегат Лесогорской ГЭС готовится к пусковым испытаниям

21 October 2013 года

Power specialists began commissioning works on the hydraulic unit, which will be the last put into operation during the modernization of Vuoksinskiye HPPs Cascade.

Power specialists began commissioning works on the hydraulic unit, which will be the last put into operation during the modernization of Vuoksinskiye HPPs Cascade.

From October to November 2013 on the hydraulic unit tests at idle are scheduled, followed by adjusting of the excitation systems and the system of automatic start and stop of the machine.

—  During the pre-commissioning tests of the generator is connected to the network and the system of power control is tested. After that hydraulic unit will operate continuously for 72 hours at the rated load - says Vasily Pustokhod, director of the Vuoksinskiye HPPs  Cascade. - At this time we capture the main indications of new equipment, perform tasks of System operator of National Grid, pass data to dispatcher.

In August 2013 on the hydraulic unit number 4 at Lesogorskaya HPP the installation of the rotor completed, electrical work and setting  of the automated system began.