Кондопожская ГЭС ОАО «ТГК-1» отмечает 85-летие

29 January 2014 года

January 29, 2014 one of the oldest Russian hydropower plants Kondopozhskaya HPP celebrates 85-year anniversary. The pioneer of electrification in Karelia is with the capacity 25.6 MW and has annual output of 130 million kWh.

January 29, 2014 one of the oldest Russian hydropower plants Kondopozhskaya HPP celebrates 85-year anniversary. The pioneer of electrification in Karelia is with the capacity 25.6 MW and has annual output of 130 million kWh.

Today Kondopozhskaya HPP meets all the requirements of the time. Modern automation of electricity production that is installed here, has high technical performance and high energy efficiency, environmental friendliness, safety and diagnostic capabilities of equipment condition.

At the station implemented a unique project - the introduction of new technologies of hydraulic unit number 3.

- These technologies have emerged in the global energy sector in 2009-2010, - the director of Kondopozhskaya HPP Sergei Povetkin said. - As part of a comprehensive redesign of the hydraulic number 3 supposed commissioning electromechanical drive speed controller instead of the traditional hydraulic unit hydromechanical. Also upgraded all the automated systems of the equipment such as relay protection, generator excitation system, automated process control system (APCS).

Nearing completion reconstruction of auxiliary system, which will give reliability of electricity supply.

In the XXI century, 85 years after the launch of the first hydraulic unit Kondopozhskaya HPP gets new look, preserving its history: a unique building of station remains a monument of architecture and carefully guarded as a symbol of the Karelian energy.