Юные художники учат петербуржцев экономить энергию

6 February 2014 года

JSC TGC-1 and JSC St. Petersburg Heating Grid opened at the Museum and Galleries of Modern Art Erarta exhibition of children's drawings on the theme of saving electricity and heat.

JSC TGC-1 and JSC St. Petersburg Heating Grid opened at the Museum and Galleries of Modern Art Erarta exhibition of children's drawings on the theme of saving electricity and heat.

Creative contest, and now an exhibition of drawings are the part of educational project, aimed at forming in townspeople reasonable and careful attitude to the consumption of energy. The exhibition features some 900 paintings and graphic works of young artists. Age of authors is from 4 to 18 years.

For two months, children shared their ideas on saving electricity and heat.  These were pupils of kindergartens and secondary students and art schools , studios and clubs of St. Petersburg and Leningrad region , Petrozavodsk, Sortavala, Kem, Apatity, Novorossiysk Kaliningrad and other cities. Many participated in the competition not only individually, but also the entire creative teams together with brothers and sisters, parents, teachers. There are drawings of children from schools, boarding schools and supplementary education centers for children with disabilities.

In a single interesting collection were assembled works done in the most diverse art technics reflecting the author's unique vision. But all artists united interest in efficient use of energy and desire to appreciate and cherish what nature gives us, wisely consume heat, electricity, water, gas.

The exhibition runs until February 17, 2014.