Александр Собакин назначен директором Апатитской ТЭЦ

7 April 2014 года

On April 7, 2014 Alexander Sobakin, who previously performed the duties of the Chief Engineer, was appointed as the Director of the Apaptitskaya CHPP of JSC TGC-1.

On April 7, 2014 Alexander Sobakin, who previously performed the duties of the Chief Engineer, was appointed as the Director of the Apaptitskaya CHPP of JSC TGC-1. He replaced Alexander Pakhomov, who managed the power plant since 2007.

The former Deputy Chief Engineer Alexander Trifonov became the new Chief Engineer of Apatitskaya CHPP.

Biographical information

Alexander Sobakin graduated from the Ivanovo State Power University in 1997 with a degree in Heat Power Plants.

Since 1997 he worked at Apatitskaya CHPP. From 1997 to 2007 he held positions from an operator of steam turbines to Deputy Chief Engineer - Head of Production and Technical Department. From 2007 to 2014 - Chief Engineer of the Apatitskaya CHPP of JSC TGC-1.

Since 2010 is a member of the Council of Deputies of Apatity.