Фильм о Маткожненской ГЭС вошел в шорт-лист IV Международного Баренц Экологического Фильм Фестиваля
The premier of Karelian film-maker Konstantin Lenchitsky’s film ‘Matkozhnenskaya HPP: Battle against the Elements’ is being staged on 26 April 2014 as part of the competition programme of the Barents International Ecological Film Festival.
The Barents Ecological Film Festival is taking a fresh look at ecological cinema, by showing films from directors who engage in environmental topics and force the audience to suffer together with the protagonists.
The film Matkozhnenskaya HPP JSC TGC-1 fits this billing like never before: it includes unique archive footage, mass media reports, and eye-witness accounts of the events of August 2012 when heavy rain poured down on Karelia and the water management facilities of the White Sea region could not cope with the sheer volumes of water. At this moment the energy workers succeeded in averting a disaster that would have serious consequences for the ecology of the region.
The 4th Barents Festival included artistic, documentary and animated works on the theme of ecology and the environment. The films entered in the competition programme were shot in 2013-14. In total there were more than 200 applications from 22 countries around the world. The biggest numbers were representatives from Finland, Norway, Germany and Russia. Four Karelian films made it through successfully and are participating in the general competition and are fighting for the prize in the nomination category “The View from Karelia.”
The premier of the film “Matkozhnenskaya HPP: Battle against the Elements” will be held at 16:00 on 26th April in the ‘Premier’ cinema, Petrozavodsk as part of the special category “The View from Karelia.”