ТЭЦ ОАО «ТГК-1» в Санкт-Петербурге переводятся в режим периодического протапливания

23 April 2014 года

23rd April 2014 from 00:00 11 CHPPs of JSC TGC-1, located in the St Petersburg and the Leningrad Oblast, were transferred to the regime of periodic heating. The decision was taken on the basis of instructions of the energy and engineering supply committee.

23rd April 2014 from 00:00 11 CHPPs of JSC TGC-1, located in the St Petersburg and the Leningrad Oblast, were transferred to the regime of periodic heating. The decision was taken on the basis of instructions of the energy and engineering supply committee.

The regime of periodic heating was introduced in order to smoothly reduce the heating supply system and prepare for the switching off of the internal building heating supply. The pressure of the heat conductor from the exit at the CHPP collectors dropped by 20% compared to the figures recorded during the heating season. Thereby the temperature is supported at a minimum permissible level for sanitary regulations – 65 degrees Celsius. This regime enables the equipment to be kept ready to provide heat should the air temperature reduce.

Before the end of the 2013 – 2014 heating period regular heat supply will be provided for pre-school and intermediary educational institutions, as well as health and social welfare organisations.