Cостоялось годовое собрание акционеров ОАО «Мурманская ТЭЦ»

26 June 2014 года

June 24, 2014 General Meeting of Shareholders "Murmansk HPP" held. Company's annual report for 2013 and annual financial statements were approved by the Company.

Revenues totaled 5,064 million rubles, up from 2012 by 16%. Cost of heat production reached 4 billion rubles, of which 70% - fuel costs.

Over the past year the company received 437.46 million rubles in compensation from the budget to cover the difference in the cost of purchased oil (in 2012 - 316 030 000 rubles). The third consecutive year formed a positive financial result, net income was 20 million rubles.

Nevertheless, the accumulated retained loss of "Murmansk HPP" at the end of 2013 remained unchanged - 2.68 billion rubles.

General Meeting of Shareholders decided not to pay dividends on common and preferred shares of the Company for 2013.

"Our priority is to maintain the reliability of the equipment, and we provide quality training for the heating season and reliable operation in the autumn-winter period. First time in a decade in 2013 was the complex of works, which will increase the thermal capacity of the Murmansk CHP and attach new large consumers. In 2014, technical re-equipment will continue to improve the efficiency of the equipment, improve its technical, economic and environmental performance, "- said General Director of JSC" Murmansk HPP "Alexander Antipov.

Elected the new Board of Directors of JSC "Murmansk SS", which included:

1.Antipov Alexander, Deputy General Director - Director of "Kola" JSC "TGC-1"
2. Irina V. Graves, vice president of Fortum, mergers and acquisitions (Russia)
3. Kruglyakov Sergey Vasilevich, Deputy Director of Marketing and Sales of JSC "TGC-1"
4. Sergey Laputko, Deputy Director General - Chief Engineer of JSC "TGC-1", the director of "Nevsky" JSC "TGC-1"
5. Elena I. Mikhailov, Head of the Department of Legal Affairs of JSC "TGC-1"
6. Andrew G. Sokolov, Deputy General Director for Procurement of JSC "TGC-1"
7. Tuznikov Mikhail, Deputy General Director for Economy and Finance of JSC "TGC-1"
8. Fil Sergey, director of Corporate and Legal OOO "Gazprom energy"
9. Yuzifovich Alexander, chief specialist of marketing ADEM OOO "Gazprom energy."
Company's Audit Committee was elected as follows:

1.Nadezhda Baranova, deputy chief accountant of the branch "Kola" JSC "TGC-1"
2. Galaeva Elena, Head of Business Planning and Economic Analysis Department of Economics branch "Kola" JSC "TGC-1"
3. Metelkova Irina Fedorovna, Head of Treasury of JSC "TGC-1"
4. Skachenko Natalia E., Head of Business Planning Department of Economics of OAO "TGC-1"
5. Alexey Starkov, chief audit of JSC "TGC-1".
Auditor of the Company approved the Closed Joint Stock Company "PricewaterhouseCoopers".