На Правобережной ТЭЦ в Санкт-Петербурге прошло заседание экспертно-технического совета ООО «Газпром энергохолдинг»
On July 4, 2014 a meeting of the Expert Technical Council of Gazprom Energoholding LLC was held at the Pravoberezhnaya CHPP of JSC TGC-1.
The event was attended by the Chief Engineers and specialists of the Gazprom Energoholding Group of companies, representatives of research organizations and manufacturing enterprises.
In his welcoming speech the Production Director of Gazprom Energoholding LLC Mikhail Fedorov said: "for specialists from different companies this is a great opportunity to share their experience, find new approaches to address pressing issues, get acquainted with the colleagues' proposals for the implementation of innovative technologies."
The Chief Engineers of JSC TGC-1, JSC Mosenergo and JSC WGC-2 presented their reports on the implementation of the Research and Development (R&D) Programme and spoke about the plans for 2014-2016.
The most relevant issues were selected for the reports - decommissioning of overage equipment before 2025, introducing of energy saving technologies, corrosion protection technologies and modern treatment systems to production.
The participants of the meeting were given a tour of the 450 MW steam-gas generating unit of the Pravoberezhnaya CHPP - the newest amongst the generation capacities of JSC TGC-1 in Saint Petersburg.