Врио губернатора Мурманской области Марина Ковтун посетила Мурманскую ТЭЦ
On August 18, 2014, Marina Kovtun, the Interim Acting Governor of the Murmanskaya Oblast, visited the Murmanskaya CHPP to check the progress of preparation of the largest heat supply company of Murmansk to the new heating season and to have a meeting with the CHPP’s personnel.
— The plant provides stable heat deliveries to the city during the whole period of its operation. Murmansk is a non-freezing city due to the hard work of the plant’s personnel. The issues which the Murmanskaya CHPP is facing, are general system problems, usually referred to in the industry as energy unbalance, - said Marina Kovtun.
The Murmanskaya CHPP is implementing the investment and repair programmes which are aimed at supporting stable operation of its equipment. During summer period, preparatory work to the new heating season is carried out at all generating sources of the Murmanskaya CHPP. Regular and overhaul repairs are made at 11 steam and water boilers, parts of the turbine generator #3 are being replaced. Pipe pressure and heat grids tests allowed to identify the most worn-out sections of the city mains. This year total of 850 meters of heating mains were replaced at the Schmidt Street, Komsomolskaya Street, and Karl Marx Street.
For the first time over a long period, the main equipment of the Murmanskaya CHPP was completely renovated, which allowed to increase the capacity of the peak water boiler PTVM-100 #10 in order to connect new consumers located in the city center. The project for renovation of the boiler PTVM-50 #8 is under development for further increase of the thermal capacity.
— Main equipment repairs are coming to the end, the fuel reserves were established, and we are ready to start the heating season upon the appropriate weather conditions, - underlined Alexander Antipov, General Director of the Murmanskaya CHPP. – Our primary goal while ensuring stable operations is to reduce the debt of managing companies which already reached 2 billion rubles. The Murmanskaya CHPP is actively working on claims and court files, initiating court proceedings against unscrupulous managing companies, bankruptcy and forcing such companies out of the market.
Among the first priority objectives of the Murmanskaya CHPP is reducing the environmental impact. At present time, waste water treatment facilities at the Vostochnaya boiler house are in process of renovation, similar project has been developed for the Yuzhnaya boiler house. Pollutants emissions are controlled on a regular basis, and on borders of the sanitary protection zones, the maximum pollutants concentration values, established by Rosprirodnadzor, are not exceeded.
To improve the energy efficiency, reduce heat losses, fuel and electricity consumption, the Murmanskaya CHPP is continuously implementing the energy efficiency projects: steam procurement from JSC TO TBO Plant (waste incineration plant) for the Vostochnaya boiler house, VSD installation at pump stations, replacement of heat pipelines by modern, preinsulated pipes, replacement of heating devices with installation of automatic regulators, and implementation of energy saving lighting systems.