На Центральной ТЭЦ ОАО «ТГК-1» в Санкт-Петербурге прошел Всероссийский экологический субботник — Зеленая Россия
On August 30, 2014 at power plant No. 2 of the Centralnaya CHPP JSC TGC-1 as part of the All-Russian Ecological Community Cleanup Day events were held on environmental literacy of schoolchildren and young people of Saint Petersburg.
The Community Cleanup Day was attended by the Vice-Governor of St. Petersburg Mikhail Mokretsov, Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Energy and Engineering Dmitry Dolgov, Deputy General Director of JSC TGC-1 for Capital Construction Vadim Vederchik, General Director of Centralnaya CHPP JSC TGC-1 Andrey Nikolaev, artists of the creative association "4th floor", pupils of the art studio of the complex center for social service for the population of resort areas, power engineers with their families.
A tour round the new electrical complex of 110/6 kV indoor switchgear of the Centralnaya CHPP was organized especially for the guests and young citizens of St. Petersburg. Here, the participants got acquainted with the arrangement of the modern city power plants and the history of the energy industry of St. Petersburg, found out about the principles of effective and environmentally safe usage of energy resources, saw where "electricity is born".
After the tour, an art master class was held - St. Petersburg artists Vladimir Garde, Dmitry Marcoule, Sergey Larionov and Vladimir Ustinskiy proposed to create an art panel "Living Energy".
"In the colorful canvas fantasy we expressed our understanding of the variety of nature, living energy and beauty of the world around us, its amazing harmony" - the event organizers shared their concept.
"I would like, first of all, to thank the Management of TGC-1 for the activity that they have implemented today" - in turn added Michael Mokretsov. “This communication and this experience are very important for children. I am happy for the kids that they were able to express their emotions and feelings. It is wonderful! As well as the fact, that they left in high spirits. I wish success to all the staff and management of the company. It would be very nice if the new generation of power engineers will grow among children!"
The campaign has gathered more than 50 people. The works of the guests, children and artists, created during the master class will take part in the Competition of animation and graphics, "Turn on your head", devoted to the subject of careful and efficient usage of energy resources, and will be on display in the loft project "Floors".