ОАО «ТГК-1» получило статус единой теплоснабжающей организации в Петрозаводске

29 September 2014 года

The Head of Petrozavodskiy city district Galina Shirshina has signed an act on approval of the heating supply scheme of Petrozavodsk, which had been developed by the experts of Saint-Petersburg State Polytechnic University.

The Head of Petrozavodskiy city district Galina Shirshina has signed an act on approval of the heating supply scheme of Petrozavodsk, which had been developed by the experts of Saint-Petersburg State Polytechnic University.

According to the technical specifications applicable to generating facilities and heat network complexes, the decision has been made to assign the Petrozavodskaya CHPP of JSC TGC-1 the status of the united heat supplying organization (UHSO).

“The approved heating supply scheme of Petrozavodsk is the basis of the functioning of the whole city heating system. It includes both the control of security and reliability of the heat supply to consumers, and its efficiency, - says  Edward Lisitskiy, JSC TGC-1 Director for Development. – And for TGC-1 the award of status of the UHSO is an important step in the customer affairs. This allows our company to prove its willingness to become a social  guarantor of a kind, taking the responsibility for the high-quality and available heating supply of the city.

The heating  supply scheme had been developed by the experts of Saint-Petersburg State Polytechnic University, the administration of Petrozavodskiy city district, JSC Petrozavodskmash, JSC Kartek, JSC Slavmo, JSC TGC-1 аnd the affiliate «Teploviye Seti» of JSC «PKS» as the holder of city heating system.