Power engineers and residents of Petrozavodsk united by Living Energy

03 October 2014

On October 3, 2014 in Petrozavodsk the power engineers of JSC TGC-1 together with volunteers and activists of the Karelian Volunteering Center planted about 100 trees. Volunteers and ecologists held the Living Energy master class aiming to develop the environmental culture of the city residents.

- Today, more than 200 people took part in our event - said Svetlana Krasnoshchekova, Head of Charity and Sponsorship Projects of JSC TGC-1. - The youngest of them is 1.5 years old, the oldest - 86 years old. Today, the members of the Karelian Varlamovskoe movement and the environmental movement "Green Wave" planted trees in memory of the best people of Petrozavodsk together with power engineers. We sincerely thank all the residents and representatives of public organizations, who came and helped us with making Petrozavodsk cleaner and more beautiful!