TGC-1 web site wins two nominations in VIII Contest of Corporate Sites and Annual Reports

15 October 2014

In October 2014, the annual St. Petersburg Contest of Corporate Sites and Annual Reports announced its winners. The competition is held under the auspices of St. Petersburg Chamber of Commerce and Industry and involves Russian major companies.

TCG-1’s web site won The Best IR Corporate Site Page 2014 and The Best PR Corporate Site Page 2014 nominations.

“Our company actively uses new media and interactive communication innovations. For instance, the 2013 Annual Report of TGC-1 included creative pictures and videos of the main events of that year”, - says the Head of Public Relations Department of TGC-1 Larissa Semenova. “The convenient browsing and link system provides for the most complete information experience on the company both in the Report and on our corporate web site”.