Первая в истории Губернаторского парка лыжная гонка прошла с успехом
On Friday, February 20, 2015 an unusual ski race will be held at 18.00 in the Governor's Park within a framework of International Winter Festival Hyperborean-2015.
On this day, the city Sports Center and the central sport school supported by the Office of Physical Culture, Sports and Youth Policy of the City Administration and JSC TGC-1 will turn the center of Petrozavodsk to the arena of sport games. There will be ski sprint - contact short track races with elements of tactical combat.
The location choice for the creation of Petrozavodsk Ski Park (PTZskiPARK) is not accidental, as an ice court created by JSC TGC-1 has been working already for two years in the park and is very popular among residents.
- We are conducting an event of this size for the first time. We hope that the skiing will become our city’s tradition. Karelia is a ski republic, so in the framework of Winter Festival Hyperborean we came up with the idea to present this sport at the festival - says Andrey Sandalnev, the Director of sport centre of Petrozavodsk. - Previously, in all parks were trails and ice rinks. We work hard to make such a good traditions were revived. JSC TGC-1 actively helps us with this initiative. Park should be a place where people can exercise and be involved into active leisure activities. In general, it should be spectacular and interesting, please, come!
Ski-course 800 meters long will run from the main entrance to the memorial Eternal Light, and will go through the paths of the park. Athletes will have to perform kind of a victory lap around the Derzhavin`s monument before the finish line. They will finish on the central avenue.
- JSC TGC-1 acts as a partner of this great sport event aimed primarily at promoting a healthy lifestyle – says Valery Belov, the director of the Karelskiy branch of TGC-1. - Together we create sports conditions for all citizens. We are pleased that educational institutions located near the Governor’s park carry out physical education classes on the ice court. Students are happy to have such alternative.
During the race additional lighting will be installed; a sports presenter and professional showman will be commenting the event. Photographer of the event – well-known blogger Igor Podgorniy. All the photos you can see on the website Petrozavodsk Sports sportptz.ru and in TGC-1’s vk.com group (http://vk.com/tgc1ru).