На Нижне-Туломской ГЭС ОАО «ТГК-1» прошла комплексная тренировка
On February 25, 2015, the power engineers with the Chief Administration of the Ministry of Emergencies in the Murmansk Oblast and the Government Commission on Prevention and Liquidation of Emergencies carried out a comprehensive training at the Upper Tulomskaya HPP of JSC TGC-1 on liquidation of natural and man-caused emergencies of an interregional or federal scale.
According to the training plan, there was a hydrodynamic accident at the plant; the hydraulic shock broke the hydraulic unit No. 2 and some of the wall and roof of the turbine room, and turbine oil got into the Tuloma River.
Field services and regular emergency teams of the Upper Tulomskaya HPP, who participated in the training, took emergency measures including switching the electrical connections. Emergency and rescue teams of the Ministry of Emergencies, eight machine units, and oil spill removal experts were also engaged in the training.
“I am content with the acts of the staff and management of the plant. The plant employees and rescue services worked in coordination for the liquidation of the simulated accident,” said Andrey Tukmachev, Corporate Security Director of the Kolskiy branch of JSC TGC-1. “Such training sessions are done at power plants on a regular basis, and they are extremely necessary to train staff how to act in emergencies.”