Итоги прохождения отопительного сезона 2014 – 2015 гг. станциями ОАО «ТГК-1» в Санкт-Петербурге

8 May 2015 года

JSC TGC-1 released the results for the Company’s thermal power plants, which supplied heat to the residents, businesses and companies of St Petersburg and the Leningrad Oblast during the 2014-2015 autumn-winter period.

JSC TGC-1 released the results for the Company’s thermal power plants, which supplied heat to the residents, businesses and companies of St Petersburg and the Leningrad Oblast during the 2014-2015 autumn-winter period.

During the last heating season CHPP of the Company released 15,260 thousand Gcal of heat to consumers. Electricity output reached 8,148 million kWh; steam-gas generating unit output from the Yuzhnaya, Pervomayskaya and Pravoberezhnaya CHPPs increased by 14.3% to 4,439.8 million kWh.

- Power Plants of JSC TGC-1 in St. Petersburg worked steadily, observing the regimes established by the dispatching services. The maximum load occurred in January 2015 - said the Chief Engineer of JSC TGC-1 Sergey Laputko. - In preparation for the next heating season, the company's specialists will perform scheduled works on diagnostics and repair of the heat supply systems.