JSC TGC-1 held "Hour of Power" at the III Russian International Energy Forum

20 May 2015

On May 20, 2015 JSC TGC-1 held an open lesson for the pupils of St. Petersburg on the subject of safe and efficient power consumption. "Hour of Power" took place in the interactive zone III of the Russian International Energy Forum.

During the lesson the company's specialists told the children about the scientific and educational portal - myenergy.ru - and demonstrated the learning game "My energy" for the tablets.  The heroes of the game in simple terms explain what electricity is, where does the current come from, how to safely use electrical appliances and even how to build a power plant.

- Innovative teaching techniques are an important part of the educational process - said Larisa Semenova, Head of the Public Relations Department of JSC TGC-1. - Through the use of new computer technologies the educational portal and the game "My energy" able to interest not only today's pupils, but also their parents.

Lessons on energy efficiency and energy safety are held regularly by JSC TGC-1 in St. Petersburg, Petrozavodsk and Murmansk. "Hour of Power" is held at HPP and CHPP of the Company, scientific and experimental platforms and interactive science museums.