TGC-1’s Apatitskaya CHPP completed the heating period

28 May 2015

On 27 May 2015, pursuant to the decree of the Apatity Government, the TGC-1’s Apatitskaya CHPP which is a single heat provider in Apatity and Kirovsk, completes the heating period. In the city of Kirovsk, the Apatitskata CHPP will switch to summer operation mode on 04 June 2015.

In 2014, we started heat deliveries to residents on 01 September, therefore, the heating period lasted 268 days. During 9 months, the Apatitskaya CHPP delivered to consumers 1,403 thus Gcal.

— Between the heating periods we are planning to make a large scope of works, such as repairing the main equipment, replacing over 100 meters of railways, clearing gas ducts, and repairing the discharge chimneys. Besides, 500 meters of heating grids will be replaced, said Alexander Sobakin, Director of the TGC-1’s Apatitskaya CHPP. – Special attention will be paid to washing the heating mains and municipal grids. In cooperation with JSC Khibiny Heating Company and managing organizations, we developed a schedule of activities for setting the heat supply system and improving quality of hot water.