ОАО «ТГК-1» открыло на Марсовом поле фотовыставку «Реальная энергетика»
On September 21, 2015, JSC TGC-1 opened a photo exhibition in the Field of Mars. It shows the works of the participants of the Real Energy Industry competition dedicated to the energy industry. The exhibition will last till November 1.
It is dedicated to the energy system of the Northwest, generation facilities, and employees in the energy industry from the Baltic to the Barents Seas. The authors are photographers, bloggers, and journalists from St. Petersburg, Petrozavodsk, and Murmansk who visited the Company's power plants during press tours, trainings, and special events.
"In the year of the 10th anniversary of the energy reform in Russia and incorporation of JSC TGC-1, we would like to remind everyone that the benefits available to people nowadays and taken for granted are the deliverables of hard work of energy sector workers and operation of complex industrial sites. Every power plant is unique and every CHPP or HPP embodies the history of regions and destinies of real people. That is why the main heroes of the exhibition are energy workers and industrial sites", commented Alexey Barvinok, General Director of JSC TGC-1. "We invite all residents and guests of St. Petersburg to learn more about our power generation facilities that supply heat and light to our homes.
On September 26, the photo exhibition will also open in Petrozavodsk and Murmansk. The results of journalist competition will be summed up on October 7 during the 5th St. Petersburg International Gas Forum.