На Правобережной ТЭЦ ОАО «ТГК-1» прошли комплексные учения
On February 16, 2016, complex training for elimination of man-made emergency situations, involving management and specialists of TGC-1, Gazprom energoholding, representatives of the Federal Fire Fighting Service of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations was passed.
As per the legend, there is quickly spreading fire at the CHPP’s area. There is a risk of turbine oil tank damage. Head of the shift instructs the operating staff to switch off the turbine and discharge oil in emergency reservoir.
Fire fighting group arrives to the CHPP, head of the shift instructs and issues access for fire fighting. Fire is eliminated within an hour. Staff of the boiler and turbine shop recover operation of the heating grid by switching on water boilers.
Training results were considered at the meeting of the Emergency and Fire Safety Committee.
– I assess the CHPP’s staff and management acted in a right manner during the training. We could see a well-coordinated cooperation between company personnel and divisions of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, said Yuriy Marakin, Deputy General Director for Corporate Protection. Such trainings are really necessary. The staff shall be always ready to react correctly and quickly in case of emergency situation.