Энергетики ОАО «ТГК-1» отмечают 60-летие Каскада Выгских ГЭС

9 March 2016 года

On March 9, 2016, TGC-1 celebrates 60th Anniversary of the Vyg HPPs Cascade.

On March 9, 2016, TGC-1 celebrates 60th Anniversary of the Vyg HPPs Cascade.

The Cascade history dates back to merger of two power plants at the Vyg river. Then three more HPPs were built – Vygostrovskaya, Belomorskaya, and Palokorgskaya HPPs. This chain comprising five HPPs is located within one hundred kilometers from the Vygozero till the Beloe sea (the White Sea). Thus, the Republic of Karelia gained the first up-to-date hydrotechnical complex which became one of the main parts of the Karelian power system.

History of the Vyg HPPs Cascade is closely related to development of the region and its industry. Reliability of HPPs operation impacts thousands of residents of the Republic.

– Our work means high responsibility and excellent qualification, when started the reliable and efficient operation of equipment depends on coordinated actions of the personnel. Personnel of the Vyg HPPs Cascade successfully solve operating and production tasks, actively master the up-to-date technologies. Lots of ideas and developments were deployed in order to improve reliability of the power generating facilities, says Valeriy Below, Director of JSC TGC-1 Karelskiy Branch. From all my heart, I would like to congratulate my colleagues with this Anniversary Day and would like to thank you for your good faith and commitment!

Today, here, as well as at all 54 JSC TGC-1 power plants, the efforts are continuously made to ensure reliability of the power system. Within the investment program, stage-by-stage renovation of the hydro generating units’ control systems is performed at the Vyg HPPs Cascade. New generation of equipment has expanded functionality and allows to deploy more complex advanced algorithms. Equipment replacement provides new monitoring opportunities, ensuring additional protection and significantly improving operational reliability of all hydro generating units.