Три тысячи любителей лыжного спорта приняли участие в XIX международной «Лыжне дружбы» стран Баренц-региона
12 March 2016 года
On March 12, 2016 in Rayakoski settlement of Murmansk Oblast, a cross-country ski track of the Barents region “Ski Track of Friendship” was held. As usually, JSC TGC-1 was among organizers of this international sport event.
This unique ski competition has been held every year since 1994 within the territory of three neighboring countries – Russia, Finland and Norway. No visa or international passport is required to participate in this competition.
This year, over two thousand persons attended the Ski Track of Friendship. Representatives of Border Guard Services were the first to pass the track, followed by professional skiers and ski amateurs.