На Нижне-Туломской ГЭС ОАО «ТГК-1» закончен капитальный ремонт гидроагрегата

16 March 2016 года

Overhaul of the hydroelectric unit No.2 was completed at JSC TGC-1 Nizhnetulomskaya HPP. During the overhaul, the main components of generator, kinematics of guide vane and service water system were renovated.

Overhaul of the hydroelectric unit No.2 was completed at JSC TGC-1 Nizhnetulomskaya HPP. During the overhaul, the main components of generator, kinematics of guide vane and service water system were renovated.

“The overhaul was completed at the scheduled time”. The conducted works ensured to increase the reliability of major equipment.  After the comprehensive tests were carried out, the hydroelectric unit was commissioned successfully,” remarked Igor Patsan, the Director of the Tuloma HPPs Cascade  and the Serebryanskiye HPPs Cascade of the Kolskiy Branch.  

JSC TGC-1 repair program is aimed at providing the reliability of equipment, improving of electric power plant operation and environmental safety of production.