На Нарвской ГЭС ОАО «ТГК-1» прошли учения по подготовке к паводку

29 March 2016 года

On March 29, 2016, JSC TGC-1 Narvskaya HPP hosted comprehensive flood response and recovery exercises. Hydroelectric plant's operating personnel, including divers, Leningrad Oblast EMERCOM subdivision, administration of the municipal entity, and hydrologic forecast specialists of the St. Petersburg Centre for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring with Regional Functions took part in the exercises.

On March 29, 2016, JSC TGC-1 Narvskaya HPP hosted comprehensive flood response and recovery exercises. Hydroelectric plant's operating personnel, including divers, Leningrad Oblast EMERCOM subdivision, administration of the municipal entity, and hydrologic forecast specialists of the St. Petersburg Centre for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring with Regional Functions took part in the exercises.

According to the exercise scenario, the water level in a water-storage basis reached the critical point during intense flooding. The situation was aggravated by the following emergencies: fire outbreak in the equipment, ice ingress through HPP facilities, and one person injured.

"During the exercises, HPP's personnel proved capable of tackling emergency situations thus ensuring the normal operation mode of the plant," Yuri Marakin, Deputy General Director of JSC TGC-1, concluded at the end of the exercises. "During emergencies at hydraulic structures, one should take immediate measures in response to any kind of danger. Such exercises at the Company's power plants are held on a regular basis."