Мурманская ТЭЦ перешла на летний режим работы
26 May 2016 года
On May 26, 2016 according to the directive of the Murmansk Administration PJSC Murmanskaya CHPP — the city's largest heat supply plant of the city switched to summer operating mode.
2015-2016 heating season lasted 261 days. In this period PJSC Murmanskaya CHPP provided the consumers with 1.965 million Gcal. Maximum loads were recorded in January, 2016.
“We already started preparations for the next heating season. In summer we are to repair seven steam and hot water boilers, replace about 900 meters of main heating system in Shmidta, Kopytova and Domostroitelnaya streets, said Vladimir Komarov, the Deputy Director of PJSC Murmanskaya CHPP.