Апатитская ТЭЦ ОАО «ТГК-1» завершила отопительный сезон
On May 30, 2016 Apatitskaya CHPP of JSC TGC-1 is the only enterprise for heat supply of the cities Apatity and Kirovsk, completed the heating season.
The heating season 2015-2016 lasted for 271 days. Supply of heat from the headers of Apatitskaya CHPP to consumers amounted to 1,110 thousand Gcal.
“Summer period is the time for preparation for the next heating season. Repairs of two boilers and three turbine generating units will be carried out and 600 meters of transit pipelines will be replaced. In addition to that, equipment involved in coal discharge will be renovated,” remarked Director of Apatitskaya CHPP of JSC TGC-1 Alexander Sobakin. The schedule of measures for adjustment, cleaning of heat and hot water supply systems is being developed together with JSC Khibiny Heating Company, JSC Apatityenergo, JSC Apatityvodokanal and managing organizations in order to improve the quality of hot water in Apatity and Kirovsk.