«ТГК-1» подвела итоги конкурса дипломных проектов

4 August 2016 года

On August 4, 2016, the administration of PJSC TGC-1 hosted the annual awards ceremony for the winners in the 13th contest of graduation projects among higher educational institutions in the Northwest region.

On August 4, 2016, the administration of PJSC TGC-1 hosted the annual awards ceremony for the winners in the 13th contest of graduation projects among higher educational institutions in the Northwest region.

The winners were welcomed by Edward Lisitskiy, Chairman of the Expert Panel and Deputy General Director for Development of PJSC TGC-1.

– We both follow the traditions of our contest, at the same time trying to introduce the new aspects and continue development. TGC-1 is open to the students, and the best ones are accepted for our work experience internship to study the operation process and perform research projects. Every year the authors of the most interesting works and innovations are invited to become a part of our company, - Edward Lisitskiy said.

Students of the major technical universities of the North-West take part in the contest. In 2016, 39 works were submitted to the professional jury. Saint Petersburg State Polytechnic University keeps leading positions both in terms of the number of participants and the winners.

The key target of the contest is to support talented graduates of energy departments, as well as to discover original scientific and technical ideas for the subsequent implementation into the company's operations.

- Our competition today grants a unique opportunity to combine theory and practice when working on the diploma project. This allows to increase the level of theses and gives a chance to the best students to show their abilities and gain acknowledgement in the end of the studies, and go into practical operations, - Viktoria Plotnikova, the Head of PJCS TGC-1 Training Centre said.

A full list of the winners is available on TGC-1 official website, Training Centre section