TGC-1 and Murmanskaya CHPP carried out an intellectual game called QUIZZ

03 September 2016

On September 2, 2016 Murmansk witnessed an intellectual QUIZZ game, carried out by PJSC TGC-1 and PJSC Murmanskaya CHPP in support of the All-Russia Energy Saving Festival, Brighter Together.

The game was conducted in the form of quiz and required participants to give answers to various questions: puzzle images, musical and logical questions. In order to complete the tasks, participants had not only to be well-rounded but also to possess knowledge about energy industry and energy efficiency.

"Our facilities provide customers living in the Arctic Circle with light and heat without which we cannot imagine modern and comfortable life. Our ecological future depends on the rational and conscious use of resources by every individual, business or industrial facility," said Stanislav Nazarov, Deputy General Director – Director of the Kolskiy Branch of PJSC TGC-1.

 All-Russia Energy Saving Festival, Brighter Together, is conducted with the support of the Ministry of Energy of Russia across the whole country and is aimed at inculcation of the careful use of energy in our everyday life.

As part of the festival, pupils and students will visit CHPPs and HPPs of the Murmansk Region. Power specialists will conduct lessons during which they will give simple advice on energy saving and tell what professions are in demand today in the energy industry," said Svetlana Sizonenko, the Administrative Director of the Kolskiy Branch of PJSC TGC-1.