Волховская ГЭС отмечает 90-летие
The Monument has been opened in Volkhov, Leningrad Region in honour of constructors and power engineers of Volkhovskaya HPP that was the first hydroelectric power plant built 90 years ago according to the State Commission for Electrification of Russia (GOELRO) plan. The monument's basis was the equipment that produced Volkhovstroy's electricity for the first time in December, 1926 and was dismantled several years ago.
"Volkhovskaya HPP is a unique project. That was a dream the whole country was achieving, – said Alexey Barvinok, PJSC TGC-1 General Director. – 15,000 people worked hard in locust years during severe winter days and summer sultry days to harness the river and make it serve for the benefit of a human being. They laid the foundation of the Russian hydraulic engineering.
A modern museum has been opened just before the plant’s anniversary, it displays unique documents, photos and technical exhibit items that are carefully kept by the museum attendants. Special attention is drawn to the architect of Volkhovskaya HPP building – Oscar Munz. The second hall is dedicated to the author of the plant – engineer Genrikh Graftio. Volkhovskaya HPP is justly recognized to be the cultural heritage site and is deemed to be the historical and technical monument. Additionally, it is an operating power plant with an annual output of 350 million kWh to the Unified Energy System of Russia.
Alexander Drozdenko, Governor of Leningrad Region, sent his greetings to the plant's employees and veterans: "The history of Volkhovskaya HPP is full of bright events and names as well as our region's history. And one of the Russian oldest operating hydroelectric power plants not only remains at duty but also serves as an important energy hub that ensures a reliable electricity supply to the Leningrad Region's consumers," – the Governor's greeting says.
Festive events will last till the year end – the plant will hold excursions to the Museum of history of Volkhovskaya HPP for the veterans, students and school children.