Светлана Журова в рамках проекта «Наставник плюс» посетила Правобережную ТЭЦ ПАО «ТГК-1»

31 January 2017 года

A meeting of Svetlana Zhurova, Olympic champion in speed skating, with high school students of Yukki residential care home was held at Pravoberezhnaya CHPP, PJSC TGC-1.

January 31, 2017 – A meeting of Svetlana Zhurova, Olympic champion in speed skating, with high school students of Yukki residential care home was held at Pravoberezhnaya CHPP, PJSC TGC-1. Energy workers arranged an introductory tour for the guests and provided insight into the professions in the industry.

         — Work of power engineers and sportsmen has the same base –  we are striving for the best possible result. Champions inspire their audience with the energy of sport, and our houses' warmth and cosiness depend on people who work at power plants. We all need a mentor to reach heights in a profession. In sports we call him/her a coach, while on a production site that is an experienced energy worker who prevents from making a mistake and supports at the critical moment. The students can make their first steps in seeking their destiny today, during such events, — said Svetlana Zhurova.

For many high school students choosing their future profession becomes a key decision.  Under the centre's program Mentor Plus of “Dorogoyu” Dobra Charity Fund TGC-1 acquaints students and graduates with energy sector professions, the industry, operation of the regional CHPPs and HPPs.



PJSC TGC-1 is the leading producer and supplier of electricity and heat in the Northwest of Russia. TGC-1 comprises 53 electric power plants within the four entities of the Russian Federation: St. Petersburg, Republic of Karelia, Leningrad Region, and Murmansk Region. The Company implements the social responsibility program by supporting voluntary projects, sport and cultural events in all regions of its presence.

TGC-1 conducts a number of educational projects for children and adults. Formation of a specialized integrated learning field about the energy sector is the objective for this direction. The focus area includes the sector's history and modern era, organization and new technology in operation of CHPPs and HPPs, energy efficiency and resource-saving.

Pravoberezhnaya CHPP of PJSC TGC-1 provides heat for industrial facilities, residential and social buildings of Nevskiy and Krasnogvardeyskiy districts of St. Petersburg with population of around 700 thousand people. The CHPP installed electric power capacity is 643.0 MW. The installed heat power capacity is 1283.0 Gcal/h.

“Dorogoyu Dobra” Charity Fund was established by a group of volunteers who visited kids in orphanages and hospitals under the auspices of other charity funds. Volunteers organized visits to children in spare time, gathered aid, arranged programmes for kids' leisure and also just met kids in a friendly way.  Today the fund supports children from deprived backgrounds. Those are children who live in orphanages and residential care homes, at- risk children and orphanages' graduates.

Mentor Plus is the centre that supports graduates of orphanages and residential care homes that was established by “Dorogoyu Dobra” Charity Fund.  Any graduate can ask for help in the centre, here children can find elder friends – mentors who can support them, give an advice, share their experience. 

For many of them choosing a future profession becomes a key decision of growing-up. That is why the fund had an idea to acquaint them with experts at their jobs – employees of the key regional enterprises.  Power company TGC-1 suggested to acquaint children with the way power is produced and how the power industry operates.