В Санкт-Петербурге подписан Протокол по регулированию озера Инари

15 February 2017 года

On February 15, 2017 St. Petersburg saw a meeting of authorized representatives of Russia, Finland and Norway devoted to the joint lake Inari water management. Russia was represented by Gennadiy Semenov, Deputy General Director for Marketing and Sales of PJSC TGC-1, and Stanislav Nazarov, Deputy General Director – Director of the Kolskiy Branch of PJSC TGC-1

On February 15, 2017 St. Petersburg saw a meeting of authorized representatives of Russia, Finland and Norway devoted to the joint lake Inari water management. Russia was represented by Gennadiy Semenov, Deputy General Director for Marketing and Sales of PJSC TGC-1, and Stanislav Nazarov, Deputy General Director – Director of the Kolskiy Branch of PJSC TGC-1.

Lake Inari is located on the territory of Finland and is a natural water reservoir for Russian and Norwegian HPPs built on the Paz River (Paatsjoki). Energy experts and ecologists have approved augmentation pattern with maintenance of HPPs taken into consideration, provided an inflow forecast for spring 2017 and paid attention to the climate change issues affecting the use of water resources.

— This unique trilateral cooperation has been in effect since 1959. All this time the parties actively cooperate with each other and achieve mutual understanding being tied together by a common task – preservation of flora and fauna of one of the largest European water reservoirs, – said Gennadiy Semenov.

The meeting ended with a conclusion of the final Protocol of the trilateral meeting for lake Inari water management for H1 2017.



The trilateral agreement on lake Inari water management by means of Kaitakoski HPP was signed in 1959 between the governments of the USSR, Norway and Finland. The subject of the agreement was water level control in lake Inari, located on the territory of Finland, and in Paz River, flowing out of the lake and passing through the territory of Finland, Russia and Norway.

The river has seven hydro power plants, five of them are combined into the Paz HPPs Cascade of PJSC TGC-1 and the rest two are a part of the energy complex of Norway.