На Василеостровской ТЭЦ ПАО «ТГК-1» прошли учения по ликвидации чрезвычайной ситуации

1 March 2017 года

On March 1, emergency response and fire safety exercises were held at the Vasileostrovskaya CHPP of PJSC TGC-1. According to the legend, an accident happened on the CHPP's adjacent territory, as a result a chlorine cloud appeared

On March 1, emergency response and fire safety exercises were held at the Vasileostrovskaya CHPP of PJSC TGC-1. According to the legend, an accident happened on the CHPP's adjacent territory, as a result a chlorine cloud appeared.

Power specialists worked out an emergency procedure in case of chemical agent contamination of CHPP. After receiving a signal on the approach of a chlorine cloud, an observational station for radiation and chemical agents was organised, personnel was alerted and got ready for evacuation, workforce and means for the area decontamination were prepared.

In addition to independent actions training in an emergency and readiness inspection of personal protective equipment, the exercises were aimed at working out cooperation with authorities and the Ministry for Emergency Situations.

Discussion was held after the field part of the exercises.

– Energy industry facilities must be ready for all potential troubles, including those with the source of emergency which is located on external territories and does not belong to our traditional hazards of production. In these cases the priority concern is protecting the personnel and ensuring the interaction of all units involved in post-accident clean-up. The committee gave an excellent mark for the exercises, said Evgeniy Komashko, Director of Vasileostrovskaya CHPP.



Vasileostrovskaya CHPP provides electricity for industrial, housing and public facilities of the Vasileostrovskiy District of St. Petersburg. Around 200 thousand citizens inhabit the area of responsibility of the station. Installed electric capacity comprises 135.0 MW, heat – 1113.0 Gcal/h.

 PJSC TGC-1 is the leading producer and supplier of electricity and heat in the Northwest of Russia. PJSC TGC-1 comprises 53 electric power plants within the four entities of the Russian Federation: St. Petersburg, Republic of Karelia, Leningrad Region, and Murmansk Region.